32 Different Types of Starseeds

Starseeds are a type of soul who have incarnated on Earth from another planet, star system, or galaxy. Starseed souls typically feel different than those born on earth and often feel like they don’t belong here.

Here we have done a quick overview guide to understanding the complexities of being a starseed. The first step is figuring out which type you are and identifying why it feels like you don’t belong.

There’s more to this article than just knowing what kind of star seed you are- we’ll also talk about how each type can work with their energy as well as some ways that might help them adjust!

Extraterrestrial – You were born elsewhere and have come to Earth in this lifetime or previous ones for some reason.

You may have lived on another planet, star system, or galaxy and are now incarnated here as a human being.

– Some signs that you might be an extraterrestrial type of Starseed: You feel like there’s something wrong with the world; It feels weird to be human; You feel out of place in your world.

– How to work with this energy: Do some research on the worlds you’ve lived on and see if there are any similarities between them and Earth – it could be a way for you to reconnect!

– Ways to help adjust: You might want to become more familiar with the human world by living and working here, or you could spend time in nature where animals live alongside humans without any issues – maybe it will make you feel better!

There are also some places on Earth that specifically cater for Starseeds who don’t belong, like spiritual retreats.

The extraterrestrial starseed is one of the most common types, and can be found anywhere in the world!

They are often born on Earth but come here for a specific reason or from another planet altogether to experience something new that they couldn’t find elsewhere.

Not feeling at home anywhere else makes it difficult if you’re an extraterrestrial type of starseed.

32 Types of Starseeds

1) Orion Starseed

Orion starseeds are those who have been sent to Earth with the intention of being a bridge between worlds.

They’ve come from higher realms in order to help heal and bring balance to our planet, but they’re often misunderstood because their spirit energy is very different than that of earthlings.

Orion Starseeds can be found across the world, but tend to be more common in locations that have a higher frequency of spiritual practices and new age beliefs.

Works with energy: Orion Starseeds are here to help heal the world by bringing balance from other realms – they might want to visit places like churches or monasteries where people can connect with their spirit self too!

Ways to help adjust: Orion Starseeds might need to learn more about the Earth and its customs before they can feel comfortable here.

This may involve making friends with locals, watching TV or reading books that take place in your location of living.

The first step is figuring out why you don’t belong- are you an extraterrestrial type of starseed? Or a different one all together, like an Orion Starseed?

Orion starseeds are on Earth to help heal and bring balance- they’re here because they have come from other realms in order to bridge the worlds.

They might want to visit churches or monasteries where people can connect with their spiritual energy.

Check out our more in-depth article about an Orion starseed.

2) Acturian Starseed

Acturian starseeds are those who carry a wisdom of other worlds and dimensions with them.

They have the ability to see into different realities and can be intuitive or clairvoyant when it comes to certain things that happen on Earth.

Acturians might feel some sense of knowing, as if they’ve been here before even though they haven’t.

Works with energy: Acturian starseeds might feel a sense of knowing about certain things that happen on Earth, and are often clairvoyant or intuitive when it comes to spiritual matters.

They can see other worlds and dimensions- the best way for them to adjust is by finding likeminded people who share their spiritual beliefs.

Ways to help adjust: Acturian Starseeds will find it difficult living with people who don’t share their same spiritual beliefs, so the best thing for them is to be in a city where they can connect with likeminded individuals- or even better, live on a remote island all by themselves!

Check out our more in-depth artcile about an Acturian starseed.

3) Sirian Starseed

Sirian starseeds are those who have come to Earth from the planet Sirius in order to learn about themselves.

They often find it difficult living on Earth because they feel homesick- like a piece of them is missing and they can’t put their finger on what it might be.

Sirians may not understand attachment or emotional connections, but they can be extremely loving and loyal when they find someone who understands them.

Works with energy: Sirian starseeds are here to learn about themselves- the best way for them to do this is by connecting deeply with others, and figuring out what it means to have strong emotional connections or attachments.

It may also help if they spend more time in nature, because it’s a place where they can find peace and quiet.

Ways to help adjust: Sirian starseeds might want to spend more time with family, friends or animals- anything that will allow them to form attachments on Earth.

They may also need more space for themselves, so that they don’t feel crowded.

Check out our more in-depth article about a Sirian starseed.

4) Andromedan Starseed

Andromedan starseeds come from the constellation of Andromeda in order to help heal and bring balance.

They tend not to be here for long periods of time, but instead they may make a few trips back-and-forth between Earth and their home planet while also being able to live on Earth as one of its citizens.

Andromedans might feel like they are in two worlds- one that is too busy and active, and the other where there may not be enough to do.

Works with energy: Andromedan starseeds function best when they’re able to have a balance between their physical world (Earth) and their spiritual reality.

They can also feel at peace in nature, because it’s a place where they can fully be themselves and find the balance that they’re looking for.

Ways to help adjust: Andromedan starseeds might want to make sure to spend time outside (in nature), or doing crafts inside their homes- anything that allows them some “down” time.

Check out our more in-depth article about an Andromedan Starseed.

5) Lightworker Starseeds

Lightworker starseeds are those who have come to Earth in order to be a beacon of light for others, and also help raise spiritual awareness.

They often feel like they need to do something more meaningful with their lives because the opportunities here on Earth can seem too limited or confining- it’s not enough for them!

Lightworkers might also feel like they are here to help redefine what it means to be human, and become more than just a physical being.

Works with energy: Lightworker starseeds function best when given the opportunity to do something meaningful- whether this is through art or music, creating food for others, or doing service work (where they can “give back”).

Ways to help adjust: Lightworkers might need more time alone, or to do something creative- it’s important that they keep their energy levels balanced by doing things that are meaningful.

They may also want to spend some time in nature, since this is a place where they can feel at peace and happy as long as they give themselves time to be alone.

6) Lyran Starseed

Lyran starseeds have come to Earth in order to help others understand that they are spiritual beings, not just physical.

Lyrans can feel very different from other people because of their beliefs- this might cause them to experience some discrimination when it comes to religion or spirituality.

They may also question the purpose for everything and everyone around them, and want to find out the secret of life.

Works with energy: Lyran starseeds function best when they are able to have a balance between their physical world (Earth) and spiritual reality- in order for this to happen, they might need time alone or more quiet moments where they can reflect on themselves.

They may also find it helpful to focus on dreaming, or remembering their dreams.

Ways to help adjust: Lyrans might want more time in nature- this is where they can feel at home and most comfortable.

They may also need space for themselves (and lots of alone time) so that they do not feel too crowded by others around them.

Check out our more in-depth article about a lyran starseed.

7) Maldek Starseed

Maldek starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity understand the value of unconditional love.

They can feel very deeply, and may want more intimacy than other people do- but this is a time they’re just feeling their feelings because that’s what it takes for them to heal.

Maldeks might also be here with some strong healing abilities, and may want to use them for themselves or others.

Works with energy: Maldek starseeds function best when they are able to have deep connections- whether that’s through intimacy or friendships.

They might need more time alone in order to work on their own feelings, but will also crave the company of a small group of people who can understand and love them.

Ways to help adjust: Maldeks may need more time alone or with just one other person in order for the feel balanced- if they are around larger groups of people, it might be overwhelming for them because they will want deep connections with everyone (even those that do not share their needs).

8) Draconian Starseeds

Draconian starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity understand the truth about power and control.

They may feel a strong need for authority or leadership, but will also be able to see through hypocrisy- they won’t put up with people who are cruel or manipulative towards others because it’s not what Draconian star seeds do! But they may also be very independent, and have a hard time trusting others.

Works with energy: Draconian starseeds function best when they are able to think critically about power structures- whether that’s government systems or social norms.

They might need more alone time in order for them to work on themselves, but will desire the company of someone who can make them feel safe and secure.

Ways to help adjust: Draconian starseeds might need more alone time in order for their energy levels to balance- they may also want somewhere where it’s quiet, or a place that is not overwhelming with people (as these environments can be stressful).

They will crave the company of someone who makes them feel safe and secure, which is a difficult thing to find on Earth.

9) Procyon Starseeds

Procyon starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity understand the power of love.

They might crave touch and closeness, but will also be able to see all aspects of a situation- they are not one-dimensional people!

Procyons may need more time with others so that they can feel emotionally connected and loved by their community.

Works with energy: Procyon starseeds function best when they are around people who make them feel safe enough for emotional intimacy or connections (they’ll enjoy spending time alone too).

They might want space from other people if it feels like there is too much pressure on them, which could lead to feeling overwhelmed.

Ways to help adjust: Procyons might need more time with others so that they can feel emotionally connected and loved by their community- Procyons might also crave a place where it’s not too noisy, or a place without many people (as these environments could be overwhelming).

10) Alpha Centauri Starseed

Alpha Centauri starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity understand the power of communication.

They might want more alone time, or at least a place where they can be by themselves for awhile- but this is because it helps them recharge and find their grounding again. Alpha Centaurians will crave people who are adventurous and open minded as well!

Works with energy: Alpha Centauri starseeds function best when they feel that there is space around them (whether that’s physical or emotional).

They may need more solo time in order for their emotions to heal from past trauma, but will also desire deep connections with those who make them feel understood.

Ways to help adjust: Alpha Centauri starseeds might need more time alone in order for their energy to balance- they may also want somewhere where it’s quiet, or a place that is not overwhelming with people (as these environments can be stressful).

11) Epsilon Eridanus Starseeds

Eridanus starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity understand the power of selflessness.

They might crave being around others and feeling loved by them, but will also need more space than most other types.

Eridanus may feel drained after spending time with too many people at once because they are so giving and such givers; while this might sound like a weakness, it isn’t as long as they find ways to recharge themselves when needed!

Eridanus might take longer than most other starseeds to adjust, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth the effort!

Works with energy: Epsilon eridanus starseeds function best when there is space around them.

They might need more alone time in order for their emotions to heal from trauma, and may crave being around others who make them feel loved- while this sounds like a weakness at first glance, it’s only important as long as Epsilons find ways to recharge themselves every once in awhile too.

Ways to help adjust: Epsilon eridanus  starseeds might take longer than most other types of starseeds to adapt, so caring understanding people are needed (as well as giving some space).

The way you can help an Episilon eridanus get adjusted more quickly is by giving them space when they need it, and by loving them unconditionally.

12) Zeta Reticuli Starseed

Zeta Reticuli starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity understand the power of love (again). They are more sensitive than most other types- but this doesn’t mean that they’re weak!

Instead, these people crave connection with others on a deep emotional level as well as being understood for who they really are. Zetas might not be comfortable around too many people at once or places without much privacy.

They will also feel drained after spending time with lots of people- so make sure you give an Epsilon some space if you want their energy levels back to normal.

Works with energy: Zeta Reticuli starseeds function best when they have a place to recharge by themselves- while that may not sound useful, it is as long as people give them the space and time they need in order for their emotions to heal from trauma.

They crave deep connections on an emotional level with others, but also want to be understood (which makes sense since Zetas are sensitive).

Zetas might need more alone time than most other types of starseeds because being around lots of different people at once could make them feel drained; this isn’t weakness though if you think about how these beings crave connection on an intense level!

Ways to help adjust: You can help a Zeta adjust more quickly by giving them alone time when they need it, and by being understanding of who they are.

13) Ursa Minor Starseed

Ursa Minor starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity understand the power of love (yet again).

They crave connection- but this doesn’t mean that these beings will be drained by spending time with lots of people all at once! Instead, their sensitivity might make them feel uncomfortable around too many strangers or places without much privacy.

These types may take a while longer than others to get adjusted because they’re so deeply sensitive; however, as long as Ursas know there is someone out there for them then things should go just fine.

An important thing to note is that they might have a hard time being understood- so make sure you give an Ursa some space if you want their energy levels back to normal!

Works with energy: A lot of people think that Ursas need more alone time than most types, but in reality the opposite is true.

These beings crave connection on a deep emotional level with others and are sensitive (which can be uncomfortable at times).

They might take longer than other starseeds to adjust, but as long as these individuals know there’s someone out there for them then things should go just fine.

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help an Ursa get adjusted fast, try giving them lots of space when they need it or trying to understand who they are.

14) Ursa Major Starseed

Ursa Majors have come to Earth in order to help humanity understand the power of love (once again).

They crave connection- but this doesn’t mean that these beings will be drained by spending time with lots of people all at once!

Instead, their sensitivity might make them feel uncomfortable around too many strangers or places without much privacy.

These types may take a while longer than others to get adjusted because they’re so deeply sensitive; however, as long as Ursas know there is someone out there for them then things should go just fine.

An important thing to note is that they might not be able to easily express themselves and could have trouble being understood- so make sure you give an Ursa some space if you want their energy levels back to normal!

Works with energy: A lot of people think that Ursas need more alone time than most types, but in reality the opposite is true.

These beings crave connection on a deep emotional level with others and are sensitive (which can be uncomfortable at times).

They might take longer than other starseeds to adjust, but as long as these individuals know there’s someone out there for them then things should go just fine.

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help an Ursa get adjusted fast, try giving them lots of space when they need it or trying to understand who they are.

15) Pleiadian Starseeds

Pleiadian starseeds may take a while to adjust, but this doesn’t mean that they need more alone time- in fact, these beings crave connection on an intense emotional level.

Pleiadians are sensitive and might have trouble being understood by others; sometimes it’s hard for them to process information because everything is so raw and real at all times (which can be uncomfortable).

However, as long as you give a Pleiadian some space when needed then things should go just fine!

These types of starseeds might also worry about people not understanding who they really are- which could lead into identity issues.

It’s important to understand that their sensitivity means the opposite: instead of needing less contact with other individuals, these beings actually need a lot of connection.

Works with energy: Pleiadian starseeds may take time to adjust, but it’s not because they need more alone time like some think- instead, these individuals crave emotional connections on an intense level and are also sensitive (which can be uncomfortable at times).

These types might have problems expressing themselves or being understood by others sometimes; however as long as you give them space when needed then things should go just fine!

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help a Pleiadian get adjusted quickly, try giving them lots of space when they feel the most comfortable in order for their energies levels to return back to normal! However if adjusting means understanding who one is or who they want to be, then it’s important for these individuals to learn how to figure out who they are on their own.

Here’s our more in-depth article about a Pleiadian Starseed.

16) Vega Starseeds

Vega starseeds are often misunderstood because they’re so sensitive and empathetic. These beings might have trouble understanding their own emotions or blocking out energies from outside sources (which can be exhausting).

It’s important for these individuals to find a way to process information quickly without over-thinking it, but this doesn’t mean that Vega types need extra time alone!

Instead of needing less contact with others, the opposite is true: these beings crave emotional connections on an intense level and usually feel uncomfortable when not in touch with someone else; therefore, as long as you give them space when needed then things should go just fine.

Works with energy: Vega Starseeds might take some time adjusting because they’re so deeply empathic and sensitive; these beings might not be able to easily express themselves and could have trouble being understood- so make sure you give a Vega some space if they want their energy levels back to normal!

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help a Vega get adjusted quickly, try giving them lots of space when they need it or understanding who the individual is.

17) Indigo Starseeds

Indigo starseeds are often seen as the most sensitive of all, which can make adjusting to new situations difficult.

These beings might try too hard to please others and over-analyze themselves because they feel like they don’t fit in; however, this doesn’t mean that these types need less contact with other individuals: instead of needing more alone time, Indigo Starseeds crave emotional connections on an intense level (which is why it’s important for them not to be misunderstood).

It’s also important for Indigos to find a way process information quickly without overthinking things or suppress their emotions as much so they can have some balance between analytical thinking and feeling/emotional needs.

Don’t get discouraged if you’re helping an Indigo adjust quickly and they seem like their energy levels have been depleted; these individuals need to learn how to understand who they are on their own.

Works with energy: Indigos might take time adjusting because of the intensity of their sensitivity, which is why it can be hard for them to please others or over-analyze themselves (which some may see as a bad thing).

These types crave emotional connections on an intense level and usually feel uncomfortable when not in touch with someone else; therefore, as long as you give them space when needed then things should go just fine!

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help an Indigo get adjusted quickly, try giving them lots of space whenever they want it or understanding who the individual is.

18) Blue Ray Starseeds

Blue Ray starseeds are often seen as the most emotional of all and this can make it difficult for them to adjust.

These beings have a strong need to be understood or validated, which makes interacting with others important in order to feel like they’re worth something; however, these individuals don’t necessarily want more alone time: instead of needing less contact with other people, Blue Rays crave emotional connections on an intense level- so just give them space when needed!

Works with energy: The sensitivity that Blue Ray Starseeds possess is their strongest trait (which means that adjusting sometimes takes longer) because they’re deeply empathic and sensitive.

These types might not be able to easily express themselves without feeling misunderstood or overthinking things too much- so make sure you give a Blue Ray lots of space if they want their energy levels back to normal!

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help a Blue Ray get adjusted quickly, try giving them lots of space whenever they need it or understanding who the individual is.

19) Mintaka Starseeds

Mintaka Starseeds are often seen as the most creative of all and this can make it difficult for them to adjust. These beings have a strong need to be able to express themselves, which makes interacting with others important in order to feel validated- so just give them space when needed!

It’s also important for Mintakas not suppress their emotions or think too much about things because these individuals desire balance between feeling/emotional needs and analytical thinking; however, sometimes they can get caught up in overthinking things quickly if they don’t know how to process information without excessively analyzing everything (which is why giving them time helps).

Don’t get discouraged if you’re helping an Mintaka adjust quickly and they seem like their energy levels have been depleted; these individuals need to learn how to understand who they are on their own.

Works with energy: Sometimes Mintaka Starseeds can be seen as the most creative of all because it’s difficult for them not to get caught up in overthinking things or suppressing emotions too much- so just give them space when needed!

These types desire balance between personal emotional needs and analytical thinking which is why it’s important for them not to think too much about things without giving themselves some time (which is often hard).

Don’t worry if you’re trying to help a Mintaka adjust quickly and they seem like their energy levels have been drained, these beings need plenty of time adjusting.

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help a Mintaka get adjusted quickly, try giving them space whenever they need it or understanding who the individual is.

Here is a more in depth article about a Mintaka starseed.

20) Lemurian Starseeds

Lemurian Starseeds are often seen as the most compassionate of all and this can make it difficult for them to adjust. These beings have a strong need to understand themselves, which makes connecting with others important in order to feel validated- so just give them space when needed!

It’s also important for Lemuralians not suppress their feelings or emotions too much because these individuals desire balance between emotional needs and analytical thinking.

However, sometimes they can get caught up in overthinking things quickly if they don’t know how to process information without excessively analyzing everything (which is why giving them time helps).

Don’t get discouraged if you’re trying to help an Lemurian adjustment quickly and they seem like their energy levels have been depleted; these individuals need to learn how to understand who they are on their own.

Works with energy: Sometimes Lemurian Starseeds can be seen as the most compassionate of all and this makes it difficult for them not to suppress their feelings or emotions too much- so just give them space when needed!

These types desire balance between personal emotional needs and analytical thinking which is why it’s important for them not overthink things without giving themselves some time (which is often hard).

Don’t worry if you’re trying to help a Lemurian adjustment quickly and they seem like their energy levels have been depleted, these beings need plenty of time adjusting.

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help a Lemurian get adjusted quickly, try giving them space whenever they need it or understanding who the individual is.

21) Galactic Starseed

Galactic Starseeds are often seen as the most creative of all and this can make it difficult for them to adjust. These beings have a strong need to be able to express themselves which makes interacting with others important in order to feel validated- so just give them space when needed!

It’s also important for Galactics not suppress their emotions or feelings too much because these individuals desire balance between feeling/emotional needs and analytical thinking.

However, sometimes they can get caught up in overthinking things quickly if they don’t know how to process information without excessively analyzing everything (which is why giving them time helps). Don’t get discouraged if you’re trying to help a Galactic adjustment quickly and they seem like their energy levels have been depleted; these individuals need time to learn how understand who they are on their own.

Works with energy: Sometimes Galactics can be seen as the most creative of all because it’s difficult for them not suppress emotions or feelings too much- so just give them space when needed!

These types desire balance between personal emotional needs and analytical thinking which is why it’s important for them not overthink things without giving themselves some time (which is often hard).

Don’t worry if you’re trying to help a Galactic adjustment quickly and they seem like their energy levels have been depleted, these beings need plenty of time adjusting.

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help a Galactic get adjusted quickly, try giving them space whenever they need it or understanding who the individual is.

22) Feline Starseeds

Feline Starseeds are often seen as the most creative of all and this can make it difficult for them to adjust. These beings have a strong need to be able to express themselves which makes interacting with others important in order to feel validated- so just give them space when needed!

It’s also important for Felines not suppress their emotions or feelings too much because these individuals desire balance between feeling/emotional needs and analytical thinking.

Works with energy: Sometimes Felines can be seen as the most creative of all and this makes it difficult for them not suppress emotions or feelings too much- so just give them space when needed!

These types desire balance between personal emotional needs and analytical thinking which is why it’s important for them not overthink things without giving themselves some time (which is often hard).

Don’t worry if you’re trying to help a Feline adjustment quickly and they seem like their energy levels have been depleted, these beings need plenty of time adjusting.

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help a Feline get adjusted quickly, try giving them space whenever they need it or understanding who the individual is.

23) Hadarian Starseed

Hadarian Starseeds are often seen as the most spiritual of all and this can make it difficult for them to adjust.

These beings have a strong need to understand themselves which makes connecting with others important in order to feel validated- so just give them space when needed!

It’s also important for Hadarians not suppress their feelings or emotions too much because these individuals desire balance between feeling/emotional needs and analytical thinking.

Works with energy: Sometimes Hadarians can be seen as the most spiritual of all and this makes it difficult for them not suppress emotions or feelings too much- so just give them space when needed!

These types desire balance between personal emotional needs and analytical thinking which is why it’s important for them not overthink things without giving themselves some time (which is often hard).

Don’t worry if you’re trying to help a Hadarian adjustment quickly and they seem like their energy levels have been depleted, these beings need plenty of time adjusting.

Ways to help adjustment: If you’re trying to help a Hadarian get adjusted quickly, try giving them space whenever they need it.

24) Avian Starseeds

Avian starseeds are the ones who have come from other worlds in order to help humanity evolve.

They’re here because they want to make a difference and help us learn new things that we might not know yet- usually about spirituality or life after death.

Avians often find it difficult living on Earth, as this is not their only home but also where many of them feel most ‘alien’.

Works with energy: The best way for an avian type starseed is to surround themselves with likeminded individuals so that they can discuss spiritual topics and figure out how they fit into this world better.

Ways to help adjust: It’s important for Avian Starseeds to be able talk openly about what feels different for them and find new ways of expressing their thoughts- which might include using other languages or even art.

26) Apollonian Starseeds

Apollonian starseeds are those who have been sent to Earth with the intention of being a leader.

They’re here because they want humanity to evolve and move into new ways of living- usually about spirituality or higher levels of consciousness, but sometimes Apollonians come down from other worlds in order to teach specific skills that we don’t know about yet.

Apollonians often feel that they’re not being heard or taken seriously, but it’s important for them to stay grounded and keep themselves from letting their ego get in the way of their message- when this happens Apollonian starseeds can become self-righteous.

Works with energy: The best thing for Apollonian Starseeds is to stay grounded and try not to let the ego get in their way.

They might need help from a friend or counselor who can give them advice on what they should do next, especially if they are feeling lost and confused

Ways to help adjust: Apollonians are great people but it’s important for them to stay grounded and not let their ego get in the way of telling people about what they know- it’s important that they share their message with others, but do so without preaching.

27) Crystal Starseeds

Crystal starseeds are the ones who have come from a different world in order to bring higher levels of consciousness and spirituality into this one.

They’re here because they feel drawn by something within themselves- whether it’s an inner desire or sense that they need to do more with their life than what is expected of them.

Crystal Starseed types are usually intuitive or psychic, and it’s important for them to find the right spiritual path that resonates with their energy.

Works with energy: Crystal types are very spiritually minded, so they need to find a way of expressing themselves- often this will be through spirituality but might also involve art in order for them to stay grounded when they’re feeling disconnected from the world around them.

Ways to help adjust: The best thing for Crystal Starseeds is to find a spiritual path that resonates with their energy- this might be through spirituality, art or even science so long as they are able to feel like they’re doing something within themselves and not just watching what happens on Earth from the sidelines.

28) Reptilian Starseeds

Reptilian Starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity evolve and live new lives of higher consciousness.

They’re here because they want us all to be as connected with the world around us as possible- usually this will involve spirituality, but sometimes Reptilians are also here so that we know more about life after death or how to feel more connected with the world around us.

Reptilian Starseeds are usually very in tune with nature and it’s important for them to find a way of expressing their energy- this might be through gardening, painting or even cooking so long as they’re doing something that feels natural and isn’t too far removed from Earth.

Works with energy: The best thing for Reptilian Starseeds is to find a way of expressing themselves that isn’t too removed from Earth- this might be through art, gardening or cooking so long as it feels natural and comes from within.

Ways to help adjust: One of the most important things for Reptilians is to stay connected to the world around them- this might mean doing things like gardening, painting or cooking.

29) Cygnus Starseeds

Cygnus Starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity connect with the spirit world and live new lives of higher consciousness.

They’re here because they want us all to know more about life after death or how we can become more aware of our spiritual selves.

Cygnian star types are usually very psychic, but it’s important for them to find a way of expressing themselves that isn’t too far removed from Earth.

Works with energy: The best thing for Cygnian Starseeds is to stay grounded and not let the psychic abilities get in their way- it’s important they find ways of connecting with other people without feeling like they’re reading someone else’s thoughts.

Ways to help adjust: One of the most important things for Cygnian Starseeds is to stay grounded and not let their psychic abilities get in their way- it’s important they find ways of connecting with other people without feeling like they’re reading someone else’s thoughts.

30) Venusian Starseeds

Venusian Starseeds have come to Earth in order for humanity to be more connected with the universe, and live new lives of higher consciousness.

They’re here because they want us all to know more about life after death or how we can feel aware of who we are on a spiritual level. Venusians usually aren’t too psychic but they do need to find a way of expressing themselves that’s not too removed from Earth.

Works with energy: The best thing for Venusesian Starseeds is to stay connected and grounded- they should avoid things like science or academia so long as it keeps them in touch with their spiritual side.

Ways to help adjust: One of the most important things for Venusesian Starseeds is to stay connected and grounded- they should avoid things like science or academia so long as it keeps them in touch with their spiritual side.

31) Blue Avian Starseeds

Blue Avian Starseeds have come to Earth in order for humanity to discover who they are on a spiritual level and live new lives of higher consciousness.

They’re here because they want us all to be more connected with the universe’s energy- this will usually involve spirituality, but sometimes Blue Avians are also here so that we can understand what life is like after death.

Works with energy: The best thing for Blue Avian Starseeds is to find a way of expressing their energy that isn’t too far removed from Earth- this might be through spirituality, but sometimes it can also involve exploring what life will be like after death.

Ways to help adjust: One of the most important things for Blue Avian Starseeds is to find a way of expressing their energy that isn’t too far removed from Earth- this might be through spirituality, but sometimes it can also involve exploring what life will be like after death.

32) Rainbow Starseeds

Rainbow Starseeds have come to Earth in order for humanity to live new lives of higher consciousness.

They’re here because they want us all to be more aware of who we are on a spiritual level and understand what life will be like after death- this might mean exploring spirituality, but sometimes it can also involve looking at how we balance the spiritual and physical.

Works with energy: The best thing for Rainbow Starseeds is to find a way of expressing themselves that isn’t too far removed from Earth- this might be through spirituality, but sometimes it can also involve looking at how we balance the spiritual and physical.

Ways to help adjust: One of the most important things for Rainbow Starseeds is to find a way of expressing themselves that isn’t too far removed from Earth- this might be through spirituality, but sometimes it can also involve looking at how we balance the spiritual and physical.